Thailands største parti, Move Forward, bliver opløst ved forfatningsdomstolen

Thailands største parti, Move Forward, bliver opløst ved forfatningsdomstolen

Det største parti efter parlamentsvalget i Thailand i 2023, Move Forward, er blevet opløst af landets forfatningsdomstol.

Det sker, fordi partiet vil ændre de love, der beskytter Thailands kongehus mod kritik.

Ifølge domstolen strider partiets kampagne for lovændringen mod landets forfatning og underminerer Thailands styresystem, hvor kongen er statsoverhoved.

Oppositionspartiet Move Forward fik flest pladser i parlamentet ved valget sidste år. Det lykkedes dog ikke at få opbakning til at gøre premierministerkandidaten, Pita Limjaroenrat, til regeringsleder.

Læs nærmere her:

TV-indslag fra Al Jazeera:

TV-udsendelse fra Thai PBS:



  1. Den danske udenrigsminister og det danske udenrigsministerium henviser til følgende udtalelse:

    The decision by the Constitutional Court of Thailand to dissolve another major political party, the Move Forward Party, is a setback for political pluralism in Thailand. The Move Forward Party was the leading party in the general elections in May 2023 with over 14 million votes (out of 39 million).

    No democratic system can function without a plurality of parties and candidates. Any limitation on the exercise of free association and expression, in particular through the activities and formation of political parties, must be consistent with relevant provisions and principles of international instruments, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

    It is important that the authorities ensure that all legitimately elected Members of Parliament are able to continue fulfilling their parliamentary mandates, irrespective of the party from which they were elected.

    The European Union stands ready to broaden its engagement with Thailand under the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement signed on 14 December 2022, including on issues of democratic pluralism, fundamental freedoms, and human rights.

    Link til udtalelsen:

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